Being mostly a saturated fat, it is solid at room temperature. Its typical make-up is about:

  • 62% saturated fat
  • 29% monounsaturated fat
  • 4% polyunsaturated fat
  • 4% trans fat

Trans fat! Before that swears you off of ghee it is important to know that cow’s milk contains natural trans fats (as opposed to the unnatural trans fats made from hydrogenating oils) that have health benefits. If you’ve heard of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) know that that health benefit fatty acid is a trans fat.

Ghee is also a rich source of cholesterol, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K. 100 grams contains 256 mg of cholesterol, 3029 IU of A, 2.8 mg of E and 8.6 µg of K. It also has some amount of vitamin D and choline.

The small amount of polyunsaturated fats does include long chain omega-fatty acids like DHA.

Of course, this all depends on the health of the cows it comes from in the first place. Healthy cows eating healthy grass will make health ghee. Unhealthy cows eating grain and loaded up on hormones and antibiotics will not make such healthy ghee.

Note also that vegetable ghee is also sometimes used, or added to the real stuff. This is basically margarine and should be avoided at all costs. Because it was cheaper this alliteration occurred widely throughout India, though now it is illegal.

Because the sugars and proteins are removed from the milk many people that have problems consuming dairy, can successfully use ghee. There is no lactose, which is the milk sugar, that many people can’t digest. Also, the proteins, whey, and casein are removed, which other people have allergies or sensitivities too. While only small amounts of these are in butter, there is virtually none in properly made ghee.

Being mostly saturated fat, ghee is an excellent option to cook with. Its smoke point is 450 degrees Fahrenheit (232 degrees Celsius).

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GHEE - FOOD FIT FOR GODSComposition of GheeBeing mostly a saturated fat, it is solid at room tempera..

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